Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Kabel HDMI tidak mengeluarkan suara di TV LED / LCD

Sebagian pengguna laptop mengeluhkan tidak keluar nya audio pada saat menghubungkan kabel HDMI ke TV. Jika anda sudah mencoba membuka playback device, lalu men set default pada icon HDMI masih juga belum muncul suaranya, mungkin bisa di coba cara berikut. Kita akan roll back driver nya

1. Buka device manager
2. Arahkan ke Sound, video and game controllers, lalu klik kanan, properties.

3. Roll back driver

4. Coba besarkan volume TV, atau restart terlebih dahulu

Biasanya hal seperti ini terjadi pada pengguna AMD seperti saya. Selamat mencoba semoga bermanfaat

Friday, September 23, 2011

Schism Tracker

name: Schism Tracker
version: 0.2a
platform: Macintosh, Linux
Copyright: ©2005
link / website: download
description: Schism Tracker is a music tracking system.


name: NitroTracker
version: v0.11
platform: Nintendo DS
Author: T. Weyand
Copyright: ©2006
link / website: download
description: NitroTracker is a FastTracker II style tracker for the Nintendo DS.

Carillon Editor

name: Carillon Editor
platform: GameBoy
Author: Aleksi Eeben
link / website: download
description: Best experienced on a real GB


name: PSPrythm
platform: PSP
Author: Billy and Louie Iturzaeta
Copyright: Billy and Louie Iturzaeta
link / website: download
description: nspired by classic drum machines such as the Linndrum and Roland TR-series, PSP Rhythm has been created to use the simple, yet effective 16 step style drum sequencer. PSP Rhythm has been directly influenced by one of our favorite modern drum machines, the Elektron MachineDrum. The most significant addition in version 3.0 is the "parameter locks" feature (as used by the MachineDrum). Parameter locks enable you to change the pitch, volume, balance, start, end times, cutoff and resonance per step to create moving, changing melodies and effects. This control over your sounds will give you much more creative freedom and allow you to not only use drums, but to use instruments in your music.

musicmon 2.5

name: musicmon 2.5
version: d
platform: Atari
Author: Dark Angel of Aura
link / website: download

Visual Impact Game Boy Music System

name: Visual Impact Game Boy Music System
version: 2.10
platform: PC
Author: Visual Impact
link / website: download
description: Use Windows95 or higher and DirectX to edit your musics, tunes and jingles for your GameBoy Color applications.